A Beginner's Guide to Aesthetic Treatments: Understanding treatments, concerns, benefits & more.

In the world of cosmetics, aesthetic treatments have become a popular option for those looking to make changes to their appearance. Understanding the basics of aesthetic treatments can be useful because it helps figure out whether or not this is the best form of treatment for you.

In this guide, we’ll explore the basics of aesthetic treatments, understanding the concerns and benefits that come with these types of procedures. Hopefully, by the end of this guide, you’ll know more about these incredible treatments and perhaps it’s something you’ll explore in the near future.

Aesthetic treatments , also referred to as injectable treatments, focus on skin concerns such as scarring, unwanted hair on the face, wrinkles, pockets of fat that won’t shift and the appearance of pores or sagging skin.

The rise in popularity of non-surgical aesthetic treatments has grown considerably. A survey conducted by the British College of Aesthetic Medicine showed that there was a 70% rise in men’s aesthetic treatments since 2021. 

Another study found that 7.7 million people have had an aesthetic treatment in the UK in the last twelve months. The UK aesthetic industry is estimated to be worth £5.4 billion by 2026.

In recent years, there has been a growing prevalence of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, particularly for injectable treatments. This growth could be associated with the rise of social media and the increasing accessibility and affordability on the market. It’s therefore important to get these injectables by those who are trained, experienced professionals.

2. Types of non-surgical aesthetic treatments

Aesthetic treatments are broadly categorised because there are many options available. With that being said, it’s good to break them down into categories. That way, you’ll know which ones might be the most suitable for you and their benefits.

Neuromodulators/Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections or neuromodulators are helpful for those looking to reverse the effects of wrinkles. They are a great way of reducing the signs of ageing and for many clients, can prevent the formation of lines and wrinkles in the skin.

Neuromodulators are also useful for reducing excessive sweating, teeth grinding and slimming of the jaw muscle. It’s not uncommon for the latter to be unknown to those who have heard of these injections but don’t know the vast benefits they can have.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable fillers that are made up of hyaluronic acid (HA) which is a substance our body naturally produces, however unlike regular HA dermal filler is cross-linked which allows it to hold its structure for longer. With these types of fillers, it replaces the volume that has been lost in areas such as the chin, cheeks, lips and jaw, and can improve the appearance of some links and wrinkles in the face such as the nasolabial folds or laugh lines, for example. 

Skin Boosters 

Skin boosters are injectables that help improve the skin’s texture, hydration and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid-based boosters like Profhilo and Seventy Hyal are revolutionary in how they benefit the skin.

The first of its kind, Profhilio is a hyaluronic moisturising treatment made with patented NAHYCO technology. This is a hyaluronic acid injectable gel that stimulates activity in the dermal cells for a long period of time. It stimulates the skin cell receptors to help counteract skin laxity and improve the firmness of the skin.

Seventy Hyall 2000 is the next generation in skin boosters and works similarly with Profhilo to stimulate new collagen and elastin production.

Polynucleotides are natural components derived from salmon DNA. This is used to rejuvenate, restore and repair the skin back to health. Salmon DNA is similar to human DNA and as bio-stimulators, it both encourages collagen and elastin production, as well as the addition of stimulating cell turnover.

Popular forms of polynucleotide boosters worth trying are Lumi Eyes and Vitaran.


PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a process of taking a person’s blood, spinning it in a centrifuge and then using the concentrated solution of platelets by injecting them back into the skin.

This helps to regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. It can also be used for hair growth. PRF is an advanced form of PRP. It’s obtained in the same way as PRP, but is spun at a slower speed, meaning you get the benefits from the presence of fibrinogens which have added healing power.

Body Contouring

Body contouring is useful for clients who are looking to change their body shape in subtle but effective ways. Fat-dissolving injections are commonly used like Aqualyx and Lemon Bottle. More recently, radiofrequency has been used as a non-invasive form of fat loss and body contouring.

With radio frequency, it not only aids in fat reduction but also boosts collagen production, reducing cellulite and making the skin look firmer.

Cryolipolysis is another popular form of body contouring and it’s more commonly known as ‘Coolsculpting’. Patients are subjected to cold temperatures in order to break down fat cells.

3. Benefits of aesthetic treatments

There are many great benefits of aesthetic treatments for those who are looking to make a change to their appearance. With that being said, here are some of the benefits that come with aesthetic treatments. These include but aren’t limited to:

  • Psychological benefits

  • Restoring self-confidence and body image

  • Differentiation from surgical procedures: safety, lower risk, convenience, minimally invasive

  • Instant and natural-looking results

  • Minimal downtime and recovery period

  • Customisable treatments for individual needs

For some clients, the aesthetic treatment might be what helps to restore any self-confidence that might be lacking. Body image might not be important to some but it can be everything to others. Taking advantage of aesthetic treatments can be a way of getting back that lost confidence or gaining confidence that wasn’t there to begin with.

Aesthetic treatments are so advanced that they can look instant and natural-looking. They are also highly customisable with minimal downtime. If you’re not a fan of invasive treatments, then there are a growing number of them on the market that are non-invasive.

How long do aesthetic treatments take?

Depending on the aesthetic treatment, some may take a little longer than others. On average, an aesthetic treatment will likely take around 30 minutes.

4. Which aesthetic treatment is right for me?

So which aesthetic treatment is the best one for you? There are lots of aesthetic treatments out there so finding one that’s suitable for you is important. You may find that a combination of treatments are needed to provide the best results.

In some scenarios, you might find that in extreme cases surgery might be a more viable option than going down the aesthetic treatment route. Here’s what you should look at getting depending on your needs:

  • Wrinkles/signs of ageing: anti-wrinkle injections, dermal filler, microneedling

  • Thinning skin/volume loss: dermal fillers, skin boosters

  • Thin lips: dermal filler

  • Hair thinning: PRP/i-PRF

  • Excess fat/body contouring: fat-dissolving injections

  • Excessive sweating: anti-wrinkle injections

5. Is there anyone who can’t have aesthetic treatments?

There are some clients who won’t be suitable for aesthetic treatments. These contraindications will vary slightly depending on each individual treatment. In general, though, you shouldn’t have aesthetic treatments if you fit into any of the following:

  • Under the age of 18

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Active infections at the treatment site

  • Certain allergies or auto-immune disorders

  • Bleeding disorders

  • Certain medical conditions

  • Certain medications

As a client, it’s important to always disclose information about your medical health so that they can enjoy their treatment with minimal risk.

6. Are the results from aesthetic treatments permanent?

Aesthetic treatments are typically low-maintenance treatments. Certain things will impact the longevity of the results as most of these treatments aren’t permanent.

  • Treatment type & product used (thicker viscosity filler used in cheek or chin enhancements will last longer than finer filler used in a lip enhancement)

  • Area of the body

  • Lifestyle (i.e smoking, drinking, sun exposure, exercise)

  • Your body's natural reaction to the treatment (for example some people are more resistant to anti-wrinkle injections than others, or break down dermal filler quicker than others)

If a client is looking to get rid of dermal filler, then there is the option of dissolving filler if they don’t fancy waiting around for the filler to break down naturally by the body.

Are injectable treatments painful?

Discomfort levels will vary depending on the type of treatment being performed and the area being treated. Your technician should be able to apply topical numbing cream to minimise discomfort, and any discomfort your experience will be short lived as most of the treatments are fairly quick.

7. How to prepare for an aesthetic treatment?

It’s good to have a discussion with your chosen practitioner about the goals you have for the treatment and what outcomes you’re looking to get from it. You should also query any of your concerns and ask questions when the practitioner explains something that you don’t understand.

Following any pre-care advice is helpful to ensure the treatment is a success and that you don’t run the risk of any unnecessary damage or infections. This should all be provided by the treatment provider but do press for this pre-care advice if they haven’t given it to you for some reason or you’ve forgotten what they said.

In general, avoid caffeine or alcohol which can thin the blood and for specific treatments, prepare yourself for what happens after the treatment and any downtime you’ll need to take. For some injectables, swelling, bruising or tenderness is common.

8. Conclusion

Aesthetic treatments have a transformative impact on the body but also provide psychological benefits for those who are conscious about their body and how it looks. 

Whether you’re looking to boost your confidence or change your appearance for other reasons, aesthetic treatments are well worth the investment. You should take a look at all the available aesthetic treatments on our website.

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