
Fine lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. As we get older our production of collagen and elastin slows, and our skin can become lax, alongside this genetics, smoking, lifestyle and pollutants will affect the ageing process. These lines and wrinkles tend to be most prevalent on parts of our body that are exposed to the sun, such as our face, neck, chest and back of hands. At Skn Plus we have a range of treatments that are designed to soften lines and improve skin quality to achieve a refreshed and more youthful look.

Recommended Treatments:

Anti Wrinkle

Dermal Filler


Chemical Peels


There are a few types of pigmentation, including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often left as a result of acne or other injury to the skin, and liver spots caused by sun damage. Microneedling and chemical peels have been proven to be a great treatment option for hyperpigmentation and can help you achieve a more balanced skin tone, and youthful complexion.

Recommended Treatment:


Chemical Peels

Dry / Dull / Crepey Skin

Dry skin can often look dull, be rough in texture and crepey skin looks thin, fragile and finely wrinkled. We offer a range of treatments that can help reveal a smooth, bright and refreshed complexion, whether that's through delivering intense hydration from within or treating the surface of the skin to leave you radiant and rejuvenated.

Recommended Treatment:


Skin Boosters

Chemical Peels

Acne Scarring

Unfortunately acne affects a large percentage of the population, and oftentimes it can leave behind marks or scarring. Microneedling and chemical peels can be effective to reduce the appearance of these scars by promoting collagen production, evening out skin tone and reducing texture.

Recommended Treatment:


Chemical Peels

Large Pores

Pores are a perfectly normal part of healthy skin, but for some who have particularly large pores they can be a bugbear. They can be caused by excess oil production, loss of firmness through ageing, genetics or sun damage. Microneedling can help stimulate collagen and elastin production which can tighten skin and reduce the size of enlarged pores.

Recommended Treatment:


Chemical Peels